When things don't go your way

When Things Don't Go Your Way

Zen Wisdom for Difficult Times
Web cijena: 19,80 €

What if moments of great difficulty are, in fact, opportunities for growth and self-discovery? What if they can serve as stepping stones to greater things in life?

Modern life doesn't always go our way. Loss, rejection, uncertainty and loneliness are unavoidable parts of the human experience -- but there is solace to be found.

In When Things Don't Go Your Way, Zen Buddhist teacher Haemin Sunim provides simple but powerful wisdom for navigating life's challenges. Through his trademark combination of beautiful illustrations, insightful stories, and contemplative aphorisms, Sunim helps us reframe our mindsets and develop emotional agility.

Whether you're in the midst of a crisis or simply seeking to improve your mental and emotional wellbeing, When Things Don't Go Your Way is a soothing balm that helps us all find courage and comfort when we need it most.

O proizvodu

Format: 13,4 x 18,2 cm
Uvez: tvrdi
Broj stranica: 296
Biblioteka: -
Izdavač: Penguin Life
Izdanje: 2024.
ISBN: 9780241457290

Upoznaj autora

Haemin Sunim jedan je od najutjecajnijih učitelja zen- budizma i pisaca u Južnoj Koreji gdje se prodalo više od tri milijuna njegovih knjiga; one su vodiči ne samo za meditaciju, već i za nadilaženje izazova svakodnevnog života bez napora i stresa. Rođen je u Južnoj Koreji, došao je u Sjedinjene Američke Države studirati film, a privukao ga je duhovni život. Obrazovao se na Sveučilištu u Kaliforniji u Berkleyu, na Harvardu i Princetonu, a formalnu redovničku izobrazbu prošao je u Koreji da bi potom poučavao budizam na Hampshire Collegeu u Amherstu u Massachusettsu. Na Twitteru (@haeminsunim) i Facebooku prati ga više od dva milijuna sljedbenika. Kada ne putuje kako bi poučavao, živi u Seulu.