In Spirit Junkie, Gabrielle Bernstein shares the story of her spiritual journey and shows you how you, too, can overcome the fears that paralyse you and manifest the greatest joy in your life.
Before she became an international bestselling author and teacher, Gabrielle Bernstein kept a journal of self-loathing, self-doubt and calorie consumption for more than twenty years. That all changed when she discovered A Course in Miracles, which taught her that much of what she feared in life was not frightening at all and, in many cases, not even real.
Bernstein guides you through the life-changing lessons that she has lived and learned in three parts:
'The Detour into Fear' explains how our minds go wrong and why we become accustomed to fearful ways of being.
'The Answer' provides the necessary tools for reconditioning our minds back to peace and joy.
'The Miracle' helps you maintain your happiness and share it with the world.
By understanding and changing our perceptions, resentments will release, hang-ups will melt away and a renewed faith in joy will be reignited.
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