Yang sheng

Yang Sheng

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The concept of self-care is, in fact, thousands of years old. This buzzword is rooted in a 2,500-year old Chinese philosophy. 'Yang sheng' means to nourish life – fostering your own health and wellbeing by nurturing body, mind and spirit. In this book, Katie Brindle teaches readers how to harness this powerful natural healing system to improve every aspect of their life.

Yang Sheng fits and works brilliantly in modern life. Some of the techniques may seem unusual, but they are all simple, quick and effective. Even more appealing, a key principle of Chinese medicine is balance; that means not being perfect or excluding foods or having too many rules or pushing yourself to exhaustion with overwork or over-exercise. And so, Yang Sheng encourages you to have the green juice and the glass of wine, a full-on day at work and a night out dancing.

For people who are overtired and overtaxed, stressed, lacking a sex drive, or who feel anxious or hopeless, the practice of Yang sheng restores balance. Our bodies are designed to self-heal – Yang Sheng knows the mechanics of how to activate this.

O proizvodu

Format: 15,5x22 cm
Uvez: tvrdi
Broj stranica: 208
Izdavač: Hardie Grant Books
Izdanje: 2019.
ISBN: 978-1-78488-240-2

Upoznaj autora

Britanska autorica Katie Brindle bavi se kineskom medicinom i osnivačica je Hayo’u Method, metode koja nudi cijeli niz rituala, proizvoda i alata. Specijalizirala se za kombinaciju detaljne dijagnoze i autotretmana temeljenih na klasičnoj kineskoj medicini. Uz masažu i refleksologiju, Katie se bavi kineskom medicinom od 2002. godine. Na Britanskom Integrated College of Chinese Medicine diplomirala je kao praktičar pet elemenata kineske medicine. Katie snažno zagovara suradnju zapadnjačke i kineske medicine na stvaranju zdravijeg, sretnijeg društva, o čemu, kao i o svom radu često govori u medijima.