The good life

The Good Life

Lessons from the World's Longest Study on Happiness
Web cijena: 19,80 €

What is the key to a good life?

It is a question that preoccupies us all and one that the longest and most successful study of happiness ever conducted strives to answer. In this groundbreaking book, directors of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, Robert Waldinger and Marc Schulz, bring together over 80 years of research to reveal the true components of a happy, fulfilled life.

The Good Life makes clear that what truly makes a rich and happy life is not synonymous with financial success and achievement, but is rather the result of our relationships. This remarkable work brings together scientific precision, traditional wisdom, incredible real-life stories and actionable insights to prove once and for all that our own wellbeing and ability to flourish is absolutely within our control.

This captivating, powerful book shows us scientifically and practically how to define, create and most importantly live the good life.

- Jay Shetty

O proizvodu

Format: 13,5 x 21,6 cm
Uvez: meki
Broj stranica: 288
Biblioteka: -
Izdavač: Ebury Press
Izdanje: 2023.
ISBN: 9781846046773

Upoznaj autore

Dr. Robert Waldinger je profesor psihijatrije u Medicinskoj školi Harvarda, voditelj Harvardskog istraživanja razvoja odraslih te suosnivač zaklade Lifespan Research. Radi i kao psihijatar i psihoanalitičar, a također je i zen majstor (Roshi) te podučava meditaciju u Novoj Engleskoj i diljem svijeta

Marc Schulz je suvoditelj Harvardskog istraživanja razvoja odraslih, voditelj programa Data Science i bivši pročelnik odsjeka za psihologiju i doktorskog programa kliničke razvojne psihologije na Bryn Mawru. Radi kao terapeut s postdoktoratom zdravstva i kliničke psihologije Medicinske škole Harvarda.