Rainbow in the cloud

Rainbow in the Cloud

The Wisdom and Spirit of Maya Angelou
Web cijena: 25,90 €

“Words mean more than what is set down on paper,” Maya Angelou wrote in her groundbreaking memoir I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Indeed, Angelou’s words have traveled the world and transformed lives—inspiring, strengthening, healing. Through a long and prolific career in letters, she became one of the most celebrated voices of our time.
Now, in this collection of sage advice, humorous quips, and pointed observations culled from the author’s great works, including The Heart of a Woman, On the Pulse of Morning, Gather Together in My Name, and Letter to My Daughter, Maya Angelou’s spirit endures. Rainbow in the Cloud offers resonant and rewarding quotes on such topics as creativity and culture, family and community, equality and race, values and spirituality, parenting and relationships. Perhaps most special, Maya Angelou’s only son, Guy Johnson, has contributed some of his mother’s most powerful sayings, shared directly with him and the members of their family.
A treasured keepsake as well as a beautiful tribute to a woman who touched so many, Rainbow in the Cloud reminds us that “If one has courage, nothing can dim the light which shines from within.”

O proizvodu

Format: 13 x 20,1 cm
Uvez: tvrdi
Broj stranica: 128
Biblioteka: -
Izdavač: Random House
Izdanje: 2014.
ISBN: 978-0812996456

Upoznaj autora

Maya Angelou, rođena kao Marguerite Ann Johnson (St. Louis, 4.4. 1928 – 2014.) bila je američka pjesnikinja, spisateljica, glumica, redateljica i aktivistica, izuzetna, utjecajna osoba američkog pokreta za građanska prava. Godine 2001. časopis Ladies Home Journal uvrstio ju je među 30 najmoćnijih žena Amerike. Njezine su knjige prevedene na mnoge svjetske jezike, a najpoznatija i najprevođenija Znam zašto ptica u kavezu pjeva, (1969.), nominirana je i za Nacionalnu književnu nagradu. Pisala je i eseje, scenarije, drame, poeziju pa čak i kuharice. Knjiga poezije Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water 'Fore I Die (1971.) nominirana je za Pulitzerovu nagradu. Okušala se u mnogim vidovima umjetnosti i obrazovanja, za što je primila brojna priznanja i nacionalne nagrade. Prijateljevala je s najutjecajnijim osoba svojeg doba, od Martina Luthera Kinga, do Opre i Baracka Obame te se i danas smatra uzorom mladima.