Sapiens the birth of humankind

Sapiens: The Birth of Humankind

A Graphic History, Vol. 1
Web cijena: 27,87 €

The first volume of the graphic adaptation of Yuval Noah Harari''s global phenomenon and smash Sunday Times #1 Bestseller. Featuring 256 pages of gorgeous full-colour illustrations and wrapped in a beautiful package.

One hundred thousand years ago, at least six different species of humans inhabited Earth. Yet today there is only one-homo sapiens.

What happened to the others?

And what may happen to us?

In this first volume of the adaptation of his ground-breaking book, renowned historian Yuval Harari tells the story of humankind''s creation and evolution, exploring the ways in which biology and history have defined us and enhanced our understanding of what it means to be "human". From examining the role evolving humans have played in the global ecosystem to charting the rise of empires, Sapiens challenges us to reconsider accepted beliefs, connect past developments with contemporary concerns, and view specific events within the context of larger ideas.

Featuring easy-to-understand text covering the first part of the original edition, this adaptation of the mind-expanding book furthers the ongoing conversation as it introduces Harari''s ideas to a wider new readership.

O proizvodu

Format: 21,3 x 28,3 cm
Uvez: tvrdi
Broj stranica: 248
Izdavač: Jonathan Cape Ltd
Izdanje: 2020.
ISBN: 9781787332812

Upoznaj autora

Dr. Yuval Noah Harari doktorirao je na Oxfordskome sveučilištu i predaje svjetsku povijest na Hebrejskom sveučilištu u Jeruzalemu. U središtu njegova znanstvenog interes dalekosežna su i općenita povijesna pitanja: Kakao biologija utječe na povijest? Ima li pravednosti u povijesnom razvoju? Jesu li ljudi tijekom povijesti postali sretniji? Više od 65 000 ljudi prijavilo se na Hararijev onlajn tečaj Kratke povijesti čovječanstva.