Mind to matter

Mind to Matter

The Astonishing Science of How Your Brain Creates Material Reality
Web cijena: 23,00 €

Mind to Matter shows us that as we take charge of our individual power to create, we have the potential, as a species, to catalyze a transformation of our whole world.

We're told that 'thoughts become things', but between the possible and the impossible there is a wide middle ground. In Mind to Matter, award-winning author Dawson Church examines the scientific facts behind the popular concept of 'manifesting' and reviews its possibilities and its limits.

Through cutting-edge research and new discoveries in epigenetics, neuroscience, electromagnetism, psychology, public health and quantum physics, as well as incredible real-life testimonies, this book explores how the universe operates synchronistically, and how our individual local minds participate in a universal non-local mind.

O proizvodu

Format: 15,3 x 23 cm
Uvez: meki
Broj stranica: 360
Biblioteka: -
Izdavač: Hay House
Izdanje: 2019.
ISBN: 9781788171151

Upoznaj autora

Dawson Church, autor brojnih knjiga s područja zdravlja, psihologije i duhovnosti, već desetljećima djeluje na području iscjeljivanja. Doktorirao je prirodnu medicinu, a stekao je i certifikat energetske psihologije. Osnovao je Državni institut za integrativnu zdravstvenu skrb (www.NIIH.org) kako bi proučavao te primjenjivao obećavajuće, dokazima potkrijepljene, psihološke i medicinske tehnike.