Medical medium brain saver

Medical Medium Brain Saver

Answers to Brain Inflammation, Mental Health, OCD, Brain Fog, Neurological Symptoms, Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, Heavy Metals, Epstein-Barr Virus
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Discover why millions rely on the #1 New York Times best-selling Medical Medium for health answers and natural healing protocols they can’t find anywhere else to over 100 symptoms, nervous system diseases, and disorders.

The first of two essential books, in full color and over 600 pages, about our most complex organ—the BRAIN—dives deep into why people all over the world are suffering with mental health and brain-related symptoms and conditions, and explains what to do to finally heal.

Medical Medium Brain Saver is designed to serve you as a lifelong brain health reference book. In it, you’ll discover:

  • What it means to have a static brain, an alloy brain, a viral brain, an emotional brain, inflamed cranial nerves, an addicted brain, an acid brain, and a burnt out, deficient brain—and what you can do about it
  • The true causes of over 100 brain- and nervous system–related symptoms, disease, and disorders
  • In-depth insight into the unknown reasons for the epidemic of mental, emotional, and neurological suffering—from everyday struggles with focus, concentration, and mood to life-altering diagnoses.
  • How to protect your brain against Alzheimer’s, PTSD, strokes, seizures, and more—before it’s too late

Best of all, you’ll get specialized healing techniques and food recommendations. In addition to fresh perspective on how to nourish your brain and reduce your exposure to everyday toxins and contaminants, you’ll find cleanse protocols, heavy metal detox cleanse guidelines, and recipes for all-new Medical Medium Brain Shots Therapy—quick hits of medicinals in liquid form, designed to bring instant relief when the brain is under particular stress.

With Medical Medium Brain Saver and its companion volume, Medical Medium Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes, Anthony William shares never before heard knowledge about our brain and nervous system.
Brain Saver unveils the why behind more than 100 brain- and nervous system–related symptoms, diseases, and disorders; Protocols reveals the truth about how to heal in even more detail.
Each book now stands alone, so you can start with the one you need most—or read both for a full picture of your brain’s health.

O proizvodu

Format: 24,5 x 20,3 cm
Uvez: tvrdi
Broj stranica: 664
Izdavač: Hay House
Izdanje: 2022.
ISBN: 9781401954383

Upoznaj autora

Anthony William, pokretač globalnog pokreta zagovornika celerova soka i autor New York Timesovih uspješnica Medicinski medij; Hrana koja mijenja život; Zdrava štitnjača; Zdrava jetra; Celerov sok; Detoks za iscjeljenje (na hrvatskom jeziku sve u izdanju Planetopije), rođen je s jedinstvenom sposobnošću komuniciranja s Duhom suosjećanja, koji mu pruža nevjerojatno korisne informacije za iscjeljivanje koje su ispred našeg vremena. Anthony od četvrte godine koristi svoj dar „čitanja“ ljudskih zdravstvenih stanja te savjetuje kako se iscijeliti. Zahvaljujući neviđenoj preciznosti i uspješnosti, pod imenom Medicinski medij zaslužio je povjerenje i ljubav milijuna ljudi diljem svijeta, a među njima i brojnih glumaca i rock zvijezda, milijardera, profesionalnih sportaša i drugih ljudi koji nikako nisu uspijevali pronaći put prema iscjeljenju – sve dok im on nije prenio uzvišene uvide. Tijekom desetljeća, Anthony je također bio dragocjena pomoć liječnicima u liječenju najzahtjevnijih slučajeva.

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