The dreamer
Vlatka Partić

The Dreamer

Web cijena: 5,97 €

Lulled in the monotony of everyday life, pent-up dreams, her heart furrowed by scars of ancient injuries, Vanda, a middle-aged brunette with green eyes suddenly gets thrown out of her safe zone of comfort by an event that fundamentally changes her life, brings out all the long-repressed traumas and makes her come face to face with them.

Shaken to the foundation, she decides at least once in her life to follow her dreams, the call from the depths of the soul, which leads her to an encounter with the beloved being from one of the past lives, with whom the karma remained unfulfilled.

O proizvodu

Format: 15 x 22,7 cm
Uvez: meki
Broj stranica: 51
Biblioteka: -
Izdavač: Naklada Nika
Izdanje: 2020.
Prevoditelj: Dag Drempetić-Čonkić
ISBN: 9789534912607