Japanese picture dictionary
Timothy G. Stout

Japanese Picture Dictionary

Learn 1,500 Japanese Words and Phrases
Web cijena: 15,50 €

If a picture is worth a thousand words, students of the Japanese language have everything they need in Tuttle's Japanese Picture Dictionary. Deftly illustrating the use of more than 1,500 commonly used Japanese words and phrases, author Timothy Stout gives learners a clear, easy-to-use introduction to this fascinating language. Containing culture-specific Japanese words and images not found in other picture dictionaries, Stout provides the Japanese script forms along with Romanised pronunciations and English definitions. The words are grouped into 38 themes or topics, each with 35-45 words, and several sentences, covering all the essential vocabulary—including the 1,500 critical Japanese words and sentences that students need to know to pass the AP Japanese Language and Culture Exam and the JLPT proficiency exams.

The book also includes a brief introduction to the Japanese language and an index. Online, students will find free companion audio recordings by Japanese native speakers demonstrating the correct pronunciation of all the vocabulary and sentences. Richly illustrated with more than 750 colour photographs, the Japanese Picture Dictionary convenient format and highly visual presentation make it easy for readers to boost their proficiency quickly and to remember it all for their next visit to Japan!

O proizvodu

Format: 20,5 x 26,3 cm
Uvez: tvrdi
Broj stranica: 96
Biblioteka: -
Izdavač: Tuttle Publishing
Izdanje: 2019.
ISBN: 9784805308998