Tales of the wind

The Tales of the Wind

The Book of Myths and Legends, of Fairies and Woodland Creatures
Web cijena: 20,57 €

This book is inspired by stories and places in which the author grew up, and those he encountered along the way - as his grandmothers told them to him - his own two legs have tread on hidden paths in the forests that change with the seasons and with the passage of the years. For many who are no longer around and the stories that they took with them. Buried and flattened under the burden of the contemporary world. Illustrations in the book are the result of a long-time exploration, discovery, and creation of different objects, texts, costumes, dolls, pictures, and drawings.

In the visual sense, the complex composition of the deliberate, personally experienced, and top-designed book of Zdenko Bašić lies in the exceptionally artistic interpretation of the illustrator, the magic of the presentation of oral family legends. However, it is difficult to describe the complexity of knowledge necessary in order for Bašić’s system of separate motifs, symbols, and syntax to turn into a final entity of such beauty.

Koraljka Jurčec Kos, art historian

O proizvodu

Format: 23 x 29,7 cm
Uvez: tvrdi
Broj stranica: 88
Biblioteka: Holon
Izdavač: Planetopija
Izdanje: Siječanj, 2020.
Prevoditelj: Sean Craig
ISBN: 978-953-257-430-2

Upoznaj autora

Zdenko Bašić bavi se animiranim filmom, režijom i ilustracijom. Za svoje je filmove dobio brojne nagrade i priznanja na domaćim i međunarodnim festivalima. Dobitnik je nagrade Grigor Vitez za ilustraciju (2009. i 2014.) te nagrade Kiklop za Priču o čokoladi (2006.), Sjeverozapadni vjetar (2012.) i Mjesečeve sjene (2013.). Godine 2012. upisan je na Časnu listu IBBY-ja (International Board on Books for Young People Honour List). Svoj je rad izlagao na samostalnim i skupnim izložbama u zemlji i u svijetu. U suradnji s Muzejom Turopolja kao umjetnički direktor osniva i oblikuje “Perunfest”, festival zaboravljenih priča i narodnih predaja.