Horror and huge expenses stories
Robert Perišić

Horror and Huge Expenses

Web cijena: 17,92 €

Outside of Croatia, Robert Perišić is best known for his novels, but short stories are what first garnered him recognition, and eventually led him to be considered one of Croatia's most important contemporary voices.

Horror and Huge Expenses is a career-spanning collection of stories that demonstrate why Perišić's wryly incisive prose, able to hit so many registers, resonates with readers everywhere. From the frontlines of tragic ethnic conflicts to capturing the hilariously absurd realities of globalism, Perišić unapologetically renders failure and loss, so often finding aching beauty in both, by pulling readers into the stray thoughts and moments upon which all of our lives are built, whether we realize it or not.

O proizvodu

Format: 14x21 cm
Uvez: meki
Broj stranica: 224
Biblioteka: -
Izdavač: Sandorf
Izdanje: 2021.
Prevoditelj: Will Firth
ISBN: 9789533513256