Super attractor

Super Attractor (paperback)

Methods for Manifesting a Life beyond Your Wildest Dreams
Web cijena: 17,90 €

Are you ready to take your spiritual practice to the next level and manifest love and joy like you've never experienced before?

When we connect to the non-physical presence beyond our visible sight, true miracles happen. Super Attractor is a manifesto for making that connection and marrying your spiritual life with your day-to-day experience. In these pages, you'll learn to:

  • shift from occasional practising to living a spiritual life every day
  • create a life filled with purpose, happiness and freedom
  • release the past and live without fear of the future
  • tap into the infinite source of abundance, joy and wellbeing that is your birthright
  • bring more light to your own life and the world around you

Super Attractor teaches us how to co-create the life we want, that attracting is fun and that we don't have to work as hard to get what we want. Most importantly, it shows us that when we connect to our intuitive powers, we become a force of love in the world.

O proizvodu

Format: 13,5 x 21,6 cm
Uvez: meki
Broj stranica: 256
Biblioteka: -
Izdavač: Hay House UK
Izdanje: 2021.
ISBN: 9781788173124

Upoznaj autora

Gabrielle Bernstein predstavljena je u Oprinoj emisiji Super Soul Sunday kao predvodnica misli nove generacije, redovno se pojavljuje kao stručnjak u emisiji dr. Oza, a The New York Times prozvao ju je „novim uzorom“. Na listi The New York Timesa nalaze se njezine uspješnice May Cause Miracles and Miracles Now. Autorica je i naslova Add More  ~ing to Your Life i Spirit Junkie. Kao „duhovna aktivistica“ Gabrielle se nedavno udružila s Deepakom Choprom kako bi organizirali najveću svjetsku meditaciju za Guinnessovu Knjigu rekorda.

YouTube ju je uvrstio u 16 YouTube Next Video blogera, a Mashable ju je imenovao jednom od 11 osoba čije inspirativne objave treba pratiti na Twitteru. Na Forbesovoj listi nalazi se među 20 najbolje brendiranih žena. O njoj se govorilo u brojnim medijima, kao što su ELLE, OWN, Kathy Lee & Hoda, emisija Today, Oprin Super Soul Sunday, The Queen Latifah Show, Anderson Live, Access Hollywood, Marie Claire, Health, SELF, Women’s Health, Glamour, Help Desk. Pojavila se i na naslovnici časopisa Experience Life Magazine. Gabrielle živi u New Yorku. Više o njezinu radu možete saznati na internetskoj stranici ili ako se pridružite njezinu „čudesnom članstvu“ (Miracle Membership) na