All shades of iberibe

All Shades of Iberibe

Web cijena: 17,92 €

In the Nigerian language Igbo "iberibe" means "messed up." This stunning short story collection by Kasimma grabs readers and pulls them into the cities and villages of today`s Nigeria. Against the glare of smart phone screens, spirits of the dead flicker, elders admonish their grown children, rituals are done in secret, and the scars of war are just below the surface in the lives of astonishingly vivid characters. Kasimma`s stories effortlessly inhabit the dark, alluring, and beautiful spaces between mystical Nigerian traditions and our strange contemporary condition. "Kasimma is a brave, inventive, new voice. I`m captivated by her stories."

Okey Ndibe, author of Arrows of Rain and Foreign Gods, Inc.

O proizvodu

Format: 12,5x20 cm
Uvez: meki
Broj stranica: 197
Biblioteka: -
Izdavač: Sandorf
Izdanje: 2021.
ISBN: 9789533513409