Medical medium cleanse to heal

Medical Medium: Cleanse to Heal

Healing Plans for Sufferers of Anxiety, Depression, Acne, Eczema, Lyme, Gut Problems, Brain Fog
Web cijena: 46,00 €

If you think you don't have any need to do a cleanse--if you're sure you couldn't possibly be harboring any toxins in your body--think again. In today's world, there are poisons and pathogens that threaten our health starting before we're even born, and they continue to hold us back as we encounter them in our everyday life.

Cleansing is a vital tool for fighting against these burdens--as long as you go about it the right way. That's why you need this book. Anthony William, the Medical Medium, has placed a vast wealth of insight and information into a one-stop resource for cleansing of all kinds, starting with his acclaimed nine-day 3:6:9 Cleanse and expanding into life-saving protocols for specific health needs--including an anti-bug cleanse, a morning cleanse, and a heavy metal detox.

You'll discover:

  •   How to choose the cleanse that's right for you
  •   A deep dive into the causes of your symptoms and conditions
  •   Critical cleanse dos and don'ts, including modifications and substitutions
  •   The truth about trendy topics such as intermittent fasting and the microbiome
  •   A guide to supplements you may choose to add to your cleanse
  •   The physical reasons why cleansing can be an emotional experience
  •   More than 75 recipes and sample menus to get you through your Medical Medium cleanse
  •   Spiritual and soul support to remind you that healing is possible

O proizvodu

Format: 19×23 cm
Uvez: tvrdi
Broj stranica: 592
Biblioteka: -
Izdavač: Hay House
Izdanje: 2020.
ISBN: 978-1401958459

Upoznaj autora

Anthony William, pokretač globalnog pokreta zagovornika celerova soka i autor New York Timesovih uspješnica Medicinski medij; Hrana koja mijenja život; Zdrava štitnjača; Zdrava jetra; Celerov sok; Detoks za iscjeljenje (na hrvatskom jeziku sve u izdanju Planetopije), rođen je s jedinstvenom sposobnošću komuniciranja s Duhom suosjećanja, koji mu pruža nevjerojatno korisne informacije za iscjeljivanje koje su ispred našeg vremena. Anthony od četvrte godine koristi svoj dar „čitanja“ ljudskih zdravstvenih stanja te savjetuje kako se iscijeliti. Zahvaljujući neviđenoj preciznosti i uspješnosti, pod imenom Medicinski medij zaslužio je povjerenje i ljubav milijuna ljudi diljem svijeta, a među njima i brojnih glumaca i rock zvijezda, milijardera, profesionalnih sportaša i drugih ljudi koji nikako nisu uspijevali pronaći put prema iscjeljenju – sve dok im on nije prenio uzvišene uvide. Tijekom desetljeća, Anthony je također bio dragocjena pomoć liječnicima u liječenju najzahtjevnijih slučajeva.

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